Aberdeen IJS Open and International Halloween Cup in Budapest
It has been a busy week for Ice Dundee skaters Karly Robertson and Jasmine Cressey. Karly was off to Budapest, Hungary to compete at the International Halloween Cup. Jasmine Cressey competed in the Junior and Senior category at the Aberdeen IJS Open.
International Halloween Cup 17/10/2019 – 20/10/2019
Short Program
Karly skated a clean Short Program and place 4th out of 22 with a score of 51.82 points. Her Short Program included a triple Loop, triple Toeloop double Toeloop combination and a double Axel. All of her spins received the highest difficulty level (Level 4) and positive marks from all judges.
Free Program
Karly had an overall good skate in the Free Program. Her program included some great elements – triple Toeloop, triple Toeloop double Toeloop combination and a triple Salchow double Toeloop combination. Her triple Flip and triple Loop received negative GOE (Grade of execution), but its important to add those harder jump elements into the program.
Aberdeen IJS Open 18/10/2019 – 21/10/2019
Junior Ladies
Short Program
Jasmine had a good skate earning a score of 40.55 points and placing 1st. Her program opened with a beautiful double Axel and she skated effortlessly througout.
Free Program
Even though Jasmine’s opening triple Toeloop didn’t go as planned she followed up with two double Axels, one in combination with a double Toeloop. Her program also included two double Lutz’s, one in combination with a double Toeloop and two double Flip’s, one in combination with an Euler (half Loop) double Salchow. Jasmine earned a new PB of 75.74 points placing her first.
Senior Ladies
Jasmine Cressey made her Senior debut at the Aberdeen IJS Open.
Short Program
First time out as a Senior skater Jasmine had to show the two required triple jumps in a Senior Short Program. She opened her program with a great double Axel. Her two triple jumps, triple Toeloop and triple Lutz didn’t go as planned. She is already mastering them in practice and it is only a matter of time until she will be able to land them in competition.
She earned 37.26 points, placing her 2nd in her first ever Senior Short Program.
Free Program
This was Jasmine’s 4th skate within 2 days which is a strain to the body itself. Additionally it was her first ever Senior event, which definitely added to the stress level. Jasmine kept a cool head and with a good skate, earning 72.95 points she came in 1st in the Free Program and 1st overall – Huge well done!!!